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Sermon Podcast



There are over seven billion people on earth, and 1 out of 3 identify as Christian. How did something so massive and so widespread begin?

The book of Acts answers this question - it tells the story of the early church and how it grew from a few followers into a movement - and in this series, we will talk about the kind of story it takes to change the world.

Just My Type

Just My Type

If you've ever had a tricky or challenging relationship (I'm casting a wide net here), then join us through this series, and we'll figure this out together.



Credo is the first word of the Apostles’ Creed in Latin. It means “I Believe.” Before we explore what Chirstians believe, why they believe it, and why it matters, we have to unpack belief itself. What do we mean when we say we believe? What are our sources of belief - and the reasons we believe? How do our beliefs affect our actions and life?

Got Questions?

Got Questions?

Questions. We all have them. But too often at church, we're told to leave our questions, our doubts, our thoughts at the door.

What if God not only doesn't mind our questions but wants us to ask questions? What if our ability to think (and question those thoughts) is one of the primary ways we can know and understand who God is?

The Two Halves of Life

The Two Halves of Life

Common opinion tells us that we should pursue our self-interest: career wins, high status, nice things. But, at some point in our lives, we might find that what our culture has taught us to pursue doesn't bring the satisfaction we'd hoped for. In this series, we explore the two halves of life and the events that help us to move from the first half of life to the second.

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