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Sermon Podcast



Encounter the miraculous in this Advent series.

The Wisdom of Trees

The Wisdom of Trees

We all want a successful life. We want our relationships, families, careers, health, and businesses to grow and prosper rapidly and abundantly. The question is, how do we make this happen?

Finding the answer might be as simple as looking up.

Trees are among the oldest and most resilient organisms on the planet. Capable of enduring harsh climates and devastating disasters, multiplying and expanding across tens of thousands of acres, and able to impact ecosystems and weather across the globe. There is a lot we can learn about flourishing from trees.

Most religions hold a special reverence for trees, and in the Bible, we see trees used consistently as an aspirational metaphor (i.e., be like a tree!) In this series, we will explore the wisdom trees offer and identify seven principles we can use to flourish in our lives.



Self-help books sell millions of copies offering guidance and clarity on how to find your calling in life - but what does that actually mean? Does it mean attending the best schools, getting the perfect job, and living some Norman Rockwellian dream? Or is it something else? Is it simply finding contentment in the day-to-day or setting off on some grand adventure to save the world?

In this series, Called, we wrestle with these questions and talk about what it means to be called and how to find and live into our own calling.

Vices & Virtues

Vices & Virtues

Gluttony, wrath, sloth, lust, greed, envy, and pride - the seven deadly sins - they’ve been personified on the big screen and serve as the foundation of every good ad campaign.

These vices are deadly because they cause death in our spiritual lives, stunting our connection to God and one another. But we don’t have to live in the grip of these vices. Through Christ, the vices that entice us can become virtues that transform us.

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